Adjusting flexible box Legal Tech solutions

We adjust case-records, manuals, standard document templates, automatic scenarios and reports, in accordance with needs and business-processes, in

When choosing solutions for REVERA Marketplace, we preferred flexible box solutions with high customisation options within the ambit of basic operability, without further modification or extra investment: this allows us, by proper adjusting, to provide solutions for clients that optimally fit existing corporate processes of each company, instead of forcing companies to accommodate technology’s logic.

We care to make one and the same solution capable of adjusting to most various legal processes and, moreover, capable of being scaled for other company subdivisions: this allows adjusting solutions for most various tasks while escaping propagation of ‘zoo’ technologies. and Legal Department 2.0 systems are well fit for these tasks: they are capable of being adapted to most various lawyers’ processes and can be adjusted for other tasks, such as real estate management, sales management, HR-functions and many others.

In order to adjust a most customizable box solution, we:

  • delve into client’s business processes and draw the details of process maps ‘as is’
  • interview our clients to determine ‘aches’, needs, goals and tasks, to define the system’s outlook and technical specification
  • adjust solution’s interface and stuff using a pre-agreed technical assignment, and in most complicated cases, where an integration is required, we engage vendor’s team
  • pilot the testing of system’s setting together with client’s team