
REVERA Legal Tech legal process automation

We select, implement, distribute and customize optimal Legal Tech solutions to automate legal processes in accordance with the needs of legal departments and businesses.

REVERA Legal Tech is constantly approving, testing and evaluating the applicability of new Legal Tech products for particular markets. We are also looking for zones ready to accommodate automation in legal and internal business processes.

REVERA is the distributor of solutions from vendors Pravo.tech, Axdraft, Codebridge, nlogic, Doczilla Pro, Draftme.

Product basket of Legal Tech solutions is constantly expanding.




A full-cycle document management platform from creating a document from a template or loading a third-party document system, discussion, approval, to signing and subsequent storage.

Legal Department 2.0

Legal Department 2.0

A platform for automating common tasks and legal processes and creating a single robotic Service desk for processing business requests in a single window.



A system for recognizing primary documentation and automatically extracting data from it into the ERP, CRM systems of the company.

Doczilla Pro

Doczilla Pro

A business documentation drafting and management platform.



A document drafting platform that helps you easily create, automate and collaborate on documents.